Pulsed-RF measurements
Add Time Domain Operation
Add IF Inputs for Antenna and mm-Wave
Add Pulse Modulator to 1st Source
Add Pulse Modulator to 2nd Source
Add four internal pulse generators
Add Noise Figure Measurements Using Standard Receivers
Frequency-offset measurements
4 ports, dual source
Add extended power range and bias-tees to 4 port analyzer
Add internal combiner and mechanical switches to 4-port analyzer
Add Integrated TMSA Application
Wrench Torque 8 in/lb 20 mm Open End
Qty: 1Cable Guard
Qty: 1Cable Guard
Qty: 1Power cord Right Angle
Qty: 1Keyboard USB
Qty: 1Mouse Optical
Qty: 1Cover Front
Qty: 1Cover Rear
Qty: 1Adapter Matched 1.85 mm(f) - 1.85 mm(m)
Qty: 1Cable Guard
Qty: 1Jumper Semi-Rigid 1.85 mm(m) - 1.85 mm(m)
Qty: 16Termination U-Wave 50 GHz 2.4 mm(m)
Qty: 1Cable Semi-Rigid Tuner Accessory for M-F Ecal
Qty: 1USB Drive with Software and Manuals
Qty: 1Keysight Technologies N5247A-419 Configuration Guide
Keysight Technologies N5247A-419 Spec Sheet