2-port, base hardware configuration
Cord Power
Qty: 1Wrench Torque 8 in/lb 20 mm Open End
Qty: 1Keyboard USB
Qty: 1Mouse Optical
Qty: 1Cover Front
Qty: 1Cover Rear
Qty: 1USB Drive with Software and Manuals
Qty: 1Handle Front Die Cast Gray
Qty: 12-port, base hardware configuration
Time domain analysis, fixed perpetual license
Wrench Torque 8 in/lb 20 mm Open End
Qty: 1Power cord Right Angle
Qty: 1Keyboard USB
Qty: 1Mouse Optical
Qty: 1Cover Front
Qty: 1Cover Rear
Qty: 1USB Drive with Software and Manuals
Qty: 1Handle Front Die Cast Gray
Qty: 12-port, base hardware configuration
Time Domain
Node-locked perpetual license
Keysight Software Support While On Rent
Cord Power
Qty: 1Wrench Torque 8 in/lb 20 mm Open End
Qty: 1Keyboard USB
Qty: 1Mouse Optical
Qty: 1Cover Front
Qty: 1Cover Rear
Qty: 1USB Drive with Software and Manuals
Qty: 1Handle Front Die Cast Gray
Qty: 1Add pulse modulator to internal 1st source
2-port, base hardware configuration
Cord Power
Qty: 1Wrench Torque 8 in/lb 20 mm Open End
Qty: 1Keyboard USB
Qty: 1Mouse Optical
Qty: 1Cover Front
Qty: 1Cover Rear
Qty: 1USB Drive with Software and Manuals
Qty: 1Handle Front Die Cast Gray
Qty: 12-port, base hardware configuration
Synthesizer and reference assembly, version 7 DDS, dual-source
Cord Power
Qty: 1Handle Front Die Cast Gray
Qty: 1Wrench Torque 8 in/lb 20 mm Open End
Qty: 1Cover Front
Qty: 1Cover Rear
Qty: 1Keyboard USB
Qty: 1Mouse Optical
Qty: 1USB Drive with Software and Manuals
Qty: 1Add pulse modulator to internal 1st source
2-port, base hardware configuration
Synthesizer and reference assembly, version 7 DDS, dual-source
Cord Power
Qty: 1Handle Front Die Cast Gray
Qty: 1Wrench Torque 8 in/lb 20 mm Open End
Qty: 1Cover Front
Qty: 1Cover Rear
Qty: 1Keyboard USB
Qty: 1Mouse Optical
Qty: 1USB Drive with Software and Manuals
Qty: 12-port, base hardware configuration
Time domain analysis, fixed perpetual license
Synthesizer 7 upgrade
Keysight Technologies N52xxB Configuration Guide
Keysight Technologies PNA Configuration Guide
Keysight N5222B Configuration Guide