Keysight Technologies - AP5042A-540
Enable outstanding, ultra-fast continuous wave (CW) frequency sweeping, chirping, intra-pulse modulation, frequency hopping, and pulse shaping, all with very low phase noise. Per channel, a high-performance internal I/Q modulator enables customized modulation waveforms and supports dedicated modulation schemes, including avionics modulation. Each output can be programmed independently in frequency, power, phase, and modulation, and the outputs are phase-coherent with excellent phase stability.
AP5042A-540 Product Highlights
• 1, 2, 3, or 4 channels mounted in a 19” 2HU enclosure
• Modular system designed for high reliability and fast, easy calibration, service, and repair
• High radio frequency (RF) signal bandwidth with built-in support for common vector modulation schemes
• Direct support for the controlled injection of additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) into the signal path
• Outstanding signal purity of modulated signals: lowest phase noise (-145 dBc/Hz at 1 GHz and 20 kHz offset), low spurious, and excellent harmonic rejection
• Excellent error vector magnitude (EVM) and adjacent channel power ratio (ACPR) performance
• Full set of built-in analog modulations like AM, FM, PM, Pulse
• Ultra-narrow pulse trains (< 5 ns), linear and non-linear pulsed frequency chirps
• Built-in digital modulation schemes like FSK, PSK, ASK, QAM
• Ultra-fast frequency hopping and sweeping capability (update frequency, power and phase in below 200 ns)
Keysight Technologies & TRS-RenTelco
TRS-RenTelco is a proud partner of Keysight Technologies and offers a wide range of rental, purchase and leasing solutions designed specifically to meet the evolving needs of the electronic testing industry. Our close relationship with Keysight Technologies allows us to ensure we have the right Generators solution for your job.
Renting Generators
With TRS-RenTelco, renting Generators equipment has never been easier. Enjoy same-day shipping, lease, and finance options on our inventory of over 5000 electronic testing equipment rentals. As one of North America’s largest test equipment rental providers, it is our mission to support the endeavors of our clients no matter how big or small with reliable expertise, excellent customer service, accuracy, and speed.
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Keysight Technologies Products from TRS-RenTelco
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