High Accuracy Power Meter (Requires Sensor)
6 GHz Coverage On Spectrum Analyzer
6 GHz Coverage On Vector Network Analyzer
Interference Analyzer (Option 31 is Recommended)
GPS Built-In Receiver (Requires GPS Antenna P/N 2000-1528-R or 2000-1652-R)
Service Premium Calibration
Coverage Mapping (Requires Option 31)
AM/FM/PM Analyzer with Coverage Mapping (Options 31 and 431 Required for Utilization Of Coverage Mapping Feature)
P25 and P25 Phase 2 Analyzer
P25 & P25 Phase 2 Coverage (Requires Options 31 and 521)
NXDN Analyzer
NXDN Coverage (Requires Options 531 and 31)
Antenna Kit (Includes: 2000-1030-R, 2000-1031-R, 2000-1032-R, 2000-1200-R, 2000-1035-R, 2000-1361-R and Carrying Pouch)
Precision Adapter, DC to 18 GHz, N(f) - N(f), 50 Ohm
Precision Adapter, DC to 18 GHz, N(m) to N(m), 50 Ohm
Attenuator, 30 dB, 50 Watt, DC to 18GHz, N(m) to N(f)
High Accuracy Power Sensor, 50 MHz to 6 GHz, 50 Ohm
Test Port Extension Cable, Armored
Test Port Extension Cable, Armored
Precision N(m) Open/Short/Load, 42dB, 6.0 GHz, 50 Ohm
Precision N(m) Open/Short/Load, 42dB, 6.0 GHz, 50 Ohm
Adapter N(m) - SMA(f)
Qty: 1Adapter N(m) - SMA(m)
Qty: 1Cord Power
Qty: 1Cable Test Port Extension
Qty: 2Adapter Precision N(m) - N(m) DC - 18 GHz
Qty: 1Adapter Precision 50 Ohm N(f) - N(f)
Qty: 1Attenuator Precision 30 dB 50 W
Qty: 1Open-Short-Load Precision N(f)
Qty: 1AC Adapter
Qty: 1Adapter Automotive 12 VDC
Qty: 1Antenna 2.4 GHz - 2.5 GHz
Qty: 1Antenna 896 MHz - 941 MHz
Qty: 1Antenna 1.71 GHz - 1.88 GHz
Qty: 1Antenna 1.85 GHz - 1.99 GHz
Qty: 1Antenna 2400-2500 MHz & 5725-5825 MHz antenna
Qty: 1Case
Qty: 1Cable USB-A - USB-MiniB
Qty: 1Bag Logo Accessory Large
Qty: 1Power Sensor High Accuracy 50 MHz - 6 GHz
Qty: 1Antenna GPS
Qty: 1Caution Card
Qty: 1Battery Lithium Ion High Capacity 81W
Qty: 1Carrycase Soft with Shoulder Strap
Qty: 1Cable Assembly USB-A - USB-MiniB with Thumbscrew 6 ft
Qty: 1Antenna SMA(m) 694 MHz - 960 MHz and 1710 MHz - 2170 MHz
Qty: 1Cal Kit Open Short Load 8 GHz
Qty: 1Vector Voltmeter
Interference Analyzer (Option 31 is Recommended)
GPS Built-In Receiver (Requires GPS Antenna P/N 2000-1528-R or 2000-1652-R)
Service Premium Calibration
Coverage Mapping (Requires Option 31)
AM/FM/PM Analyzer with Coverage Mapping (Options 31 and 431 Required for Utilization Of Coverage Mapping Feature)
P25 and P25 Phase 2 Analyzer
P25 & P25 Phase 2 Coverage (Requires Options 31 and 521)
DMR2 Analyzer
DMR2 Talk-Out Coverage (Requires Options 31 and 591)
Precision Adapter, DC to 18 GHz, N(m) to N(m), 50 Ohm
High Accuracy Power Sensor, 50 MHz to 6 GHz, 50 Ohm
High Accuracy Power Meter (Requires Sensor)
Channel Scanner
Test Port Extension Cable, Armored, with Reinforced Grip, 1.5 Meters, N(m) to N(f), 6 GHz, 50 Ohm
Test Port Extension Cable, Armored, with Reinforced Grip, 1.5 Meters, N(m) to N(f), 6 GHz, 50 Ohm
Precision N(m) Open/Short/Load, 42dB, 6.0 GHz, 50 Ohm
Cord Power
Qty: 1Adapter Precision N(m) - N(m) DC - 18 GHz
Qty: 1AC Adapter
Qty: 1Adapter Automotive 12 VDC
Qty: 1Cable Test Port Extension with Tuff-Grip 6 GHz
Qty: 2Cable USB-A - USB-MiniB
Qty: 1Power Sensor High Accuracy 50 MHz - 6 GHz
Qty: 1Antenna GPS
Qty: 1Caution Card
Qty: 1Backpack
Qty: 1Battery Lithium Ion High Capacity 81W
Qty: 1Carrycase Soft with Shoulder Strap
Qty: 1Cable Assembly USB-A - USB-MiniB with Thumbscrew 6 ft
Qty: 1Bag Logo Accessory Large
Qty: 1Cal Kit Open Short Load 8 GHz
Qty: 16 GHz Coverage On Vector Network Analyzer
High Accuracy Power Meter (Requires Sensor)
Interference Analyzer (Option 31 is Recommended)
GPS Built-In Receiver (Requires GPS Antenna P/N 2000-1528-R or 2000-1652-R)
Coverage Mapping (Requires Option 31)
AM/FM/PM Analyzer with Coverage Mapping (Options 31 and 431 Required for Utilization Of Coverage Mapping Feature)
P25 and P25 Phase 2 Analyzer
Option 522 P25 Coverage (Requires Options 31 And 521)
NXDN Analyzer
NXDN Coverage (Requires Options 531 and 31)
PTC Analyzer
High Accuracy Power Sensor, 50 MHz to 6 GHz, 50 Ohm
Vector Voltmeter
6 GHz Coverage On Spectrum Analyzer
High Voltage Variable Bias Tee
PTC Talk-Out Coverage (Requires Option 721, and Suitable Antenna)
Cord Power
Qty: 1AC Adapter
Qty: 1Adapter Automotive 12 VDC
Qty: 1Cable Test Port Extension with Tuff-Grip 6 GHz
Qty: 2Cable USB-A - USB-MiniB
Qty: 1Cable RJ45 Straight Thru
Qty: 1Bag Logo Accessory Large
Qty: 1Power Sensor High Accuracy 50 MHz - 6 GHz
Qty: 1Antenna GPS
Qty: 1Caution Card
Qty: 1Battery Lithium Ion High Capacity 81W
Qty: 1Carrycase Soft with Shoulder Strap
Qty: 1Cable Assembly USB-A - USB-MiniB with Thumbscrew 6 ft
Qty: 1Cal Kit Open Short Load 8 GHz
Qty: 1Interference Analyzer (Option 31 is Recommended)
Vector Voltmeter
High Accuracy Power Meter (Requires Sensor)
Channel Scanner
GPS Built-In Receiver (Requires GPS Antenna P/N 2000-1528-R or 2000-1652-R)
Coverage Mapping (Requires Option 31)
AM/FM/PM Analyzer with Coverage Mapping (Options 31 and 431 Required for Utilization Of Coverage Mapping Feature)
P25 and P25 Phase 2 Analyzer
P25 & P25 Phase 2 Coverage (Requires Options 31 and 521)
NXDN Analyzer
NXDN Coverage (Requires Options 531 and 31)
DMR2 Analyzer
DMR2 Talk-Out Coverage (Requires Options 31 and 591)
PTC Analyzer
PTC Talk-Out Coverage (Requires Option 721, and Suitable Antenna)
True-RMS USB Power Sensor, 10 MHz to 8 GHz (Includes P/N 2000-1605-R and 2000-1606-R)
Cord Power
Qty: 1AC Adapter
Qty: 1Adapter Automotive 12 VDC
Qty: 1Cable USB-A - USB-MiniB
Qty: 1Antenna GPS
Qty: 1Caution Card
Qty: 1Battery Lithium Ion High Capacity 81W
Qty: 1Case Accessory Brown
Qty: 2Attenuator Fixed 40 dB 150 W 50 Ohm
Qty: 1Manual PowerXpert and USB
Qty: 1Attenuator Fixed DC 12.4 GHz 20 dB 5 W
Qty: 1Adapter Precision N(m) - N(m) DC - 18 GHz
Qty: 1Carrycase Soft
Qty: 1Case Transit with 2 Plastic Accessory Boxes
Qty: 1Power Sensor USB
Qty: 1Cable Test Port Extension with Tuff-Grip 6 GHz
Qty: 1Cal Kit Open Short Load 8 GHz
Qty: 1P25 and P25 Phase 2 Analyzer
GPS Built-In Receiver (Requires GPS Antenna P/N 2000-1528-R or 2000-1652-R)
Coverage Mapping (Requires Option 31)
AM/FM/PM Analyzer with Coverage Mapping (Options 31 and 431 Required for Utilization Of Coverage Mapping Feature)
P25 & P25 Phase 2 Coverage (Requires Options 31 and 521)
LTE RF Measurements
LTE Modulation Measurements
LTE OTA Measurements (Option 31 is Recommended)
DMR2 Analyzer
DMR2 Talk-Out Coverage (Requires Options 31 and 591)
Precision N(m) Open/Short/Load, 42dB, 8.0 GHz, 50 Ohm
Cord Power
Qty: 1AC Adapter
Qty: 1Adapter Automotive 12 VDC
Qty: 1Cable USB-A - USB-MiniB
Qty: 1Bag Logo Accessory Large
Qty: 1Antenna GPS
Qty: 1Caution Card
Qty: 1Battery Lithium Ion High Capacity 81W
Qty: 2Carrycase Soft with Shoulder Strap
Qty: 1Cal Kit Open Short Load 8 GHz
Qty: 1Interference Analyzer (Option 31 is Recommended)
GPS Built-In Receiver (Requires GPS Antenna P/N 2000-1528-R or 2000-1652-R)
Coverage Mapping (Requires Option 31)
P25 and P25 Phase 2 Analyzer
P25 & P25 Phase 2 Coverage (Requires Options 31 and 521)
Test Port Extension Cable, Armored, with Reinforced Grip, 1.5 Meters, N(m) to N(f), 6 GHz, 50 Ohm
Compact Transit Case (for Handheld Products)
Precision N(m) Open/Short/Load, 42dB, 8.0 GHz, 50 Ohm
Cord Power
Qty: 1AC Adapter
Qty: 1Adapter Automotive 12 VDC
Qty: 1Cable Test Port Extension with Tuff-Grip 6 GHz
Qty: 1Cable USB-A - USB-MiniB
Qty: 1Antenna GPS
Qty: 1Caution Card
Qty: 1Battery Lithium Ion High Capacity 81W
Qty: 1Carrycase Soft with Shoulder Strap
Qty: 1Case Transit
Qty: 1Cal Kit Open Short Load 8 GHz
Qty: 1Case Accessory Brown
Qty: 1AM/FM/PM Analyzer with Coverage Mapping (Options 31 and 431 Required for Utilization Of Coverage Mapping Feature)
P25 and P25 Phase 2 Analyzer
P25 & P25 Phase 2 Coverage (Requires Options 31 and 521)
NXDN Analyzer
NXDN Coverage (Requires Options 531 and 31)
TETRA Analyzer
TETRA Coverage Mapping
Compact Transit Case (for Handheld Products)
GPS Built-In Receiver (Requires GPS Antenna P/N 2000-1528-R or 2000-1652-R)
Coverage Mapping (Requires Option 31)
Interference Analyzer (Option 31 is Recommended)
DMR Analyzer
DMR Talk-OutCoverage (Requires Options 31 and 591)
Cord Power
Qty: 1AC Adapter
Qty: 1Adapter Automotive 12 VDC
Qty: 1Cable Test Port Extension with Tuff-Grip 6 GHz
Qty: 1Cable USB-A - USB-MiniB
Qty: 1Antenna GPS
Qty: 1Caution Card
Qty: 1Battery Lithium Ion High Capacity 81W
Qty: 1Carrycase Soft with Shoulder Strap
Qty: 1Case Transit
Qty: 1Cal Kit Open Short Load 8 GHz
Qty: 1Case Accessory Brown
Qty: 1Interference Analyzer (Option 31 is Recommended)
Channel Scanner
GPS Built-In Receiver (Requires GPS Antenna P/N 2000-1528-R or 2000-1652-R)
Coverage Mapping (Requires Option 31)
P25 and P25 Phase 2 Analyzer
P25 & P25 Phase 2 Coverage (Requires Options 31 and 521)
Test Port Extension Cable, Armored, with Reinforced Grip, 1.5 Meters, N(m) to N(f), 6 GHz, 50 Ohm
Compact Transit Case (for Handheld Products)
Precision N(m) Open/Short/Load, 42dB, 8.0 GHz, 50 Ohm
AM/FM/PM Analyzer with Coverage Mapping (Options 31 and 431 Required for Utilization Of Coverage Mapping Feature)
Option 10 Retrofit; Bias Tee for S412E
Cord Power
Qty: 1AC Adapter
Qty: 1Adapter Automotive 12 VDC
Qty: 1Cable Test Port Extension with Tuff-Grip 6 GHz
Qty: 1Cable USB-A - USB-MiniB
Qty: 1Antenna GPS
Qty: 1Caution Card
Qty: 1Battery Lithium Ion High Capacity 81W
Qty: 1Carrycase Soft with Shoulder Strap
Qty: 1Case Transit
Qty: 1Cal Kit Open Short Load 8 GHz
Qty: 1Case Accessory Brown
Qty: 1Interference Analyzer (Option 31 is Recommended)
Channel Scanner
GPS Built-In Receiver (Requires GPS Antenna P/N 2000-1528-R or 2000-1652-R)
P25 and P25 Phase 2 Analyzer
P25 & P25 Phase 2 Coverage (Requires Options 31 and 521)
est Port Extension Cable, Armored, with Reinforced Grip, 1.5 Meters, N(m) to N(f), 6 GHz, 50 Ohm
Precision N(m) Open/Short/Load, 42dB, 8.0 GHz, 50 Ohm
Coverage Mapping (Requires Option 31)
Bag Logo Accessory Large
Qty: 1Cord Power
Qty: 1Antenna GPS
Qty: 1Carrycase Soft with Shoulder Strap
Qty: 1AC Adapter
Qty: 1Battery Lithium Ion High Capacity 81W
Qty: 1Adapter Automotive 12 VDC
Qty: 1Cable USB-A - USB-MiniB
Qty: 1Cal Kit Open Short Load 8 GHz
Qty: 1Cable Test Port Extension with Tuff-Grip 6 GHz
Qty: 1Caution Card
Qty: 1Telescoping Whip Antenna, BNC(m)
LTE Dipole Antenna, 698 - 960 / 1710 -2170 / 2500 - 2700 MHz, SMA(m), 2 dBi, Typical, 50 Ohm
Bag Logo Accessory Large
Qty: 1Battery Lithium Ion High Capacity 81W
Qty: 1Interference Analyzer (Option 31 is Recommended)
Channel Scanner
GPS Built-In Receiver (Requires GPS Antenna P/N 2000-1528-R or 2000-1652-R)
Coverage Mapping (Requires Option 31)
P25 and P25 Phase 2 Analyzer
P25 & P25 Phase 2 Coverage (Requires Options 31 and 521)
DMR2 Analyzer
DMR2 Talk-Out Coverage (Requires Options 31 and 591)
Test Port Extension Cable, Armored, with Reinforced Grip, 1.5 Meters, N(m) to N(f), 6 GHz, 50 Ohm
Compact Transit Case (for Handheld Products)
Precision N(m) Open/Short/Load, 42dB, 8.0 GHz, 50 Ohm
Battery Lithium Ion High Capacity 81W
Qty: 1Cord Power
Qty: 1Antenna GPS
Qty: 1Carrycase Soft with Shoulder Strap
Qty: 1AC Adapter
Qty: 1Case Accessory Brown
Qty: 2Case Transit
Qty: 1Adapter Automotive 12 VDC
Qty: 1Cable USB-A - USB-MiniB
Qty: 1Cal Kit Open Short Load 8 GHz
Qty: 1Cable Test Port Extension with Tuff-Grip 6 GHz
Qty: 1Caution Card
Qty: 1Bag Logo Accessory Large
Qty: 1Battery Lithium Ion High Capacity 81W
Qty: 16 GHz Coverage On Spectrum Analyzer
High Voltage Variable Bias Tee
Vector Voltmeter
6 GHz Coverage On Vector Network Analyzer
High Accuracy Power Meter (Requires Sensor)
Interference Analyzer (Option 31 is Recommended)
Channel Scanner
Coverage Mapping (Requires Option 31)
AM/FM/PM Analyzer with Coverage Mapping (Options 31 and 431 Required for Utilization Of Coverage Mapping Feature)
P25 and P25 Phase 2 Analyzer
P25 & P25 Phase 2 Coverage (Requires Options 31 and 521)
NXDN Analyzer
NXDN Coverage (Requires Options 531 and 31)
PTC Analyzer
PTC Talk-Out Coverage (Requires Option 721, and Suitable Antenna)
High Accuracy Power Sensor, 50 MHz to 6 GHz, 50 Ohm
Cord Power
Qty: 1Antenna GPS
Qty: 1Carrycase Soft with Shoulder Strap
Qty: 1AC Adapter
Qty: 1Battery Lithium Ion High Capacity 81W
Qty: 1Adapter Automotive 12 VDC
Qty: 1Cable USB-A - USB-MiniB
Qty: 1Bag Logo Accessory Large
Qty: 1Cal Kit Open Short Load 8 GHz
Qty: 1Power Sensor High Accuracy 50 MHz - 6 GHz
Qty: 1Cable Test Port Extension with Tuff-Grip 6 GHz
Qty: 1Caution Card
Qty: 16 GHz Coverage On Spectrum Analyzer
High Voltage Variable Bias Tee
Vector Voltmeter
6 GHz Coverage On Vector Network Analyzer
High Accuracy Power Meter (Requires Sensor)
Interference Analyzer (Option 31 is Recommended)
Channel Scanner
GPS Built-In Receiver (Requires GPS Antenna P/N 2000-1528-R or 2000-1652-R)
Coverage Mapping (Requires Option 31)
AM/FM/PM Analyzer with Coverage Mapping (Options 31 and 431 Required for Utilization Of Coverage Mapping Feature)
P25 and P25 Phase 2 Analyzer
P25 & P25 Phase 2 Coverage (Requires Options 31 and 521)
NXDN Analyzer
NXDN Coverage (Requires Options 531 and 31)
PTC Analyzer
PTC Talk-Out Coverage (Requires Option 721, and Suitable Antenna)
High Accuracy Power Sensor, 50 MHz to 6 GHz, 50 Ohm
Cord Power
Qty: 1Antenna GPS
Qty: 1Cable Assembly USB-A - USB-MiniB with Thumbscrew 6 ft
Qty: 1Carrycase Soft with Shoulder Strap
Qty: 1AC Adapter
Qty: 1Battery Lithium Ion High Capacity 81W
Qty: 1Adapter Automotive 12 VDC
Qty: 1Cable USB-A - USB-MiniB
Qty: 1Bag Logo Accessory Large
Qty: 1Power Sensor High Accuracy 50 MHz - 6 GHz
Qty: 1Cable Test Port Extension with Tuff-Grip 6 GHz
Qty: 2Caution Card
Qty: 1Cable RJ45 Straight Thru
Qty: 1Cal Kit Open Short Load 8 GHz
Qty: 1GPS Built-In Receiver (Requires GPS Antenna P/N 2000-1528-R or 2000-1652-R)
TETRA Analyzer
Precision N(m) Open/Short/Load, 42dB, 8.0 GHz, 50 Ohm
Channel Scanner
Cord Power
Qty: 1Antenna GPS
Qty: 1Carrycase Soft with Shoulder Strap
Qty: 1AC Adapter
Qty: 1Battery Lithium Ion High Capacity 81W
Qty: 1Adapter Automotive 12 VDC
Qty: 1Cable USB-A - USB-MiniB
Qty: 1Cable Test Port Extension with Tuff-Grip 6 GHz
Qty: 1Calibration Kit N(m) DC - 8 GHz 50 Ohm
Qty: 1Caution Card
Qty: 1Case Transit with 2 Plastic Accessory Boxes
Qty: 1Antenna 2400-2500 MHz & 5725-5825 MHz antenna
Qty: 1Battery Lithium Ion High Capacity 81W
Qty: 1Cal Kit Open Short Load 8 GHz
Qty: 1Interference Analyzer (Option 31 is Recommended)
Channel Scanner
GPS Built-In Receiver (Requires GPS Antenna P/N 2000-1528-R or 2000-1652-R)
Coverage Mapping (Requires Option 31)
P25 and P25 Phase 2 Analyzer
P25 & P25 Phase 2 Coverage (Requires Options 31 and 521)
est Port Extension Cable, Armored, with Reinforced Grip, 1.5 Meters, N(m) to N(f), 6 GHz, 50 Ohm
Precision N(m) Open/Short/Load, 42dB, 8.0 GHz, 50 Ohm
Cord Power
Qty: 1Antenna GPS
Qty: 1Carrycase Soft with Shoulder Strap
Qty: 1AC Adapter
Qty: 1Battery Lithium Ion High Capacity 81W
Qty: 1Adapter Automotive 12 VDC
Qty: 1Cable USB-A - USB-MiniB
Qty: 1Bag Logo Accessory Large
Qty: 1Cal Kit Open Short Load 8 GHz
Qty: 1Cable Test Port Extension with Tuff-Grip 6 GHz
Qty: 1Caution Card
Qty: 1Channel Scanner
GPS Built-In Receiver (Requires GPS Antenna P/N 2000-1528-R or 2000-1652-R)
TETRA Analyzer
Precision N(m) Open/Short/Load, 42dB, 8.0 GHz, 50 Ohm
Coverage Mapping
P25 and P25 Phase 2 Analyzer
P25 Coverage for S412E
NXDN Analyzer
NXDN Coverage
Cord Power
Qty: 1Antenna GPS
Qty: 1Carrycase Soft with Shoulder Strap
Qty: 1AC Adapter
Qty: 1Battery Lithium Ion High Capacity 81W
Qty: 1Case Transit with 2 Plastic Accessory Boxes
Qty: 1Adapter Automotive 12 VDC
Qty: 1Cable USB-A - USB-MiniB
Qty: 1Cable Test Port Extension with Tuff-Grip 6 GHz
Qty: 1Calibration Kit N(m) DC - 8 GHz 50 Ohm
Qty: 1Caution Card
Qty: 1Interference Analyzer (Option 31 is recommended)
Channel Scanner
GPS Built-In Receiver (Requires GPS Antenna P/N 2000-1528-R or 2000-1652-R)
TETRA Analyzer
Coverage Mapping (Requires Option 31)
P25 and P25 Phase 2 Analyzer
P25 & P25 Phase 2 Coverage (Requires Options 31 and 521)
Precision N(m) Open/Short/Load, 42dB, 8.0 GHz, 50 Ohm
Cord Power
Qty: 1Antenna GPS
Qty: 1Carrycase Soft with Shoulder Strap
Qty: 1AC Adapter
Qty: 1Battery Lithium Ion High Capacity 81W
Qty: 1Case Transit with 2 Plastic Accessory Boxes
Qty: 1Adapter Automotive 12 VDC
Qty: 1Cable USB-A - USB-MiniB
Qty: 1Cable Test Port Extension with Tuff-Grip 6 GHz
Qty: 1Calibration Kit N(m) DC - 8 GHz 50 Ohm
Qty: 1Caution Card
Qty: 1High Voltage Variable Bias Tee
Interference Analyzer (Option 31 is recommended)
Channel Scanner
GPS Built-In Receiver (Requires GPS Antenna P/N 2000-1528-R or 2000-1652-R)
Coverage Mapping (Requires Option 31)
AM/FM/PM Analyzer with Coverage Mapping (Options 31 and 431 are required for utilization of coverage mapping feature)
TETRA Analyzer
P25 and P25 Phase 2 Analyzer
P25 Coverage for S412E
Precision N(m) Open/Short/Load, 42dB, 8.0 GHz, 50 Ohm
Cord Power
Qty: 1Antenna GPS
Qty: 1Carrycase Soft with Shoulder Strap
Qty: 1AC Adapter
Qty: 1Battery Lithium Ion High Capacity 81W
Qty: 1Case Transit with 2 Plastic Accessory Boxes
Qty: 1Adapter Automotive 12 VDC
Qty: 1Cable USB-A - USB-MiniB
Qty: 1Cable Test Port Extension with Tuff-Grip 6 GHz
Qty: 1Calibration Kit N(m) DC - 8 GHz 50 Ohm
Qty: 1Caution Card
Qty: 1Interference Analyzer (Option 31 is Recommended)
GPS Built-In Receiver (Requires GPS Antenna P/N 2000-1528-R or 2000-1652-R)
Coverage Mapping (Requires Option 31)
P25 and P25 Phase 2 Analyzer
P25 & P25 Phase 2 Coverage (Requires Options 31 and 521)
DMR Analyzer
DMR Talk-Out Coverage (Requires Options 31 and 591)
Test Port Extension Cable, Armored, with Reinforced Grip, 1.5 Meters, N(m) to N(f), 6 GHz, 50 Ohm
Compact Transit Case (for Handheld Products)
Precision N(m) Open/Short/Load, 42dB, 8.0 GHz, 50 Ohm
Cord Power
Qty: 1Antenna GPS
Qty: 1Carrycase Soft with Shoulder Strap
Qty: 1AC Adapter
Qty: 1Battery Lithium Ion High Capacity 81W
Qty: 1Case Accessory Brown
Qty: 2Case Transit
Qty: 1Adapter Automotive 12 VDC
Qty: 1Cable USB-A - USB-MiniB
Qty: 1Cal Kit Open Short Load 8 GHz
Qty: 1Cable Test Port Extension with Tuff-Grip 6 GHz
Qty: 1Caution Card
Qty: 1Battery Lithium Ion High Capacity 81W
Qty: 1Cal Kit Open Short Load 8 GHz
Qty: 1Battery Lithium Ion High Capacity 81W
Qty: 1Cal Kit Open Short Load 8 GHz
Qty: 1Battery Lithium Ion High Capacity 81W
Qty: 1Battery Lithium Ion High Capacity 81W
Qty: 1Cal Kit Open Short Load 8 GHz
Qty: 1Battery Lithium Ion High Capacity 81W
Qty: 1Cal Kit Open Short Load 8 GHz
Qty: 1Battery Lithium Ion High Capacity 81W
Qty: 3Cal Kit Open Short Load 8 GHz
Qty: 1Battery Lithium Ion High Capacity 81W
Qty: 16 GHz Coverage On Spectrum Analyzer
High Voltage Variable Bias Tee
Vector Voltmeter
6 GHz Coverage On Vector Network Analyzer
High Accuracy Power Meter (Requires Sensor)
Interference Analyzer (Option 31 is Recommended)
Channel Scanner
GPS Built-In Receiver (Requires GPS Antenna P/N 2000-1528-R or 2000-1652-R)
Coverage Mapping (Requires Option 31)
AM/FM/PM Analyzer with Coverage Mapping (Options 31 and 431 Required for Utilization Of Coverage Mapping Feature)
P25 and P25 Phase 2 Analyzer
P25 & P25 Phase 2 Coverage (Requires Options 31 and 521)
NXDN Analyzer
NXDN Coverage (Requires Options 531 and 31)
DMR2 Analyzer
DMR2 Talk-Out Coverage (Requires Options 31 and 591)
PTC Analyzer
PTC Talk-Out Coverage (Requires Option 721, and Suitable Antenna)
High Accuracy Power Sensor, 50 MHz to 6 GHz, 50 Ohm
P25 and P25 Phase 2 Analyzer
P25 Coverage for S412E
TETRA Coverage Mapping
Precision N(m) Open/Short/Load, 42dB, 8.0 GHz, 50 Ohm
Channel Scanner
GPS Built-In Receiver (Requires GPS Antenna P/N 2000-1528-R or 2000-1652-R)
TETRA Analyzer
DMR2 Analyzer
DMR2 Coverage
Cord Power
Qty: 1Antenna GPS
Qty: 1Carrycase Soft with Shoulder Strap
Qty: 1AC Adapter
Qty: 1Battery Lithium Ion High Capacity 81W
Qty: 1Case Transit with 2 Plastic Accessory Boxes
Qty: 1Adapter Automotive 12 VDC
Qty: 1Cable USB-A - USB-MiniB
Qty: 1Cable Test Port Extension with Tuff-Grip 6 GHz
Qty: 1Calibration Kit N(m) DC - 8 GHz 50 Ohm
Qty: 1Caution Card
Qty: 16 GHz Coverage On Spectrum Analyzer
High Voltage Variable Bias Tee
Vector Voltmeter
6 GHz Coverage On Vector Network Analyzer
High Accuracy Power Meter (Requires Sensor)
Interference Analyzer (Option 31 is Recommended)
Channel Scanner
GPS Built-In Receiver (Requires GPS Antenna P/N 2000-1528-R or 2000-1652-R)
Coverage Mapping (Requires Option 31)
AM/FM/PM Analyzer with Coverage Mapping (Options 31 and 431 Required for Utilization Of Coverage Mapping Feature)
P25 and P25 Phase 2 Analyzer
P25 & P25 Phase 2 Coverage (Requires Options 31 and 521)
NXDN Analyzer
NXDN Coverage (Requires Options 531 and 31)
PTC Analyzer
PTC Talk-Out Coverage (Requires Option 721, and Suitable Antenna)
Interference Analyzer (Option 31 is Recommended)
GPS Built-In Receiver (Requires GPS Antenna P/N 2000-1528-R or 2000-1652-R)
Coverage Mapping (Requires Option 31)
P25 and P25 Phase 2 Analyzer
P25 & P25 Phase 2 Coverage (Requires Options 31 and 521)
Test Port Extension Cable, Armored, with Reinforced Grip, 1.5 Meters, N(m) to N(f), 6 GHz, 50 Ohm
Compact Transit Case (for Handheld Products)
Precision N(m) Open/Short/Load, 42dB, 8.0 GHz, 50 Ohm
AM/FM/PM Analyzer with Coverage Mapping
Anritsu S412E Spec Sheet
Content is AI-generated. Verify critical details with manufacturer-provided resources.
The Anritsu S412E LMR Master is a comprehensive solution for installing and maintaining public safety systems, combining a high-performance receiver/spectrum analyzer with an advanced handheld vector network analyzer and a powerful vector signal generator.
The S412E analyzes narrowband FM analog systems and various digital systems including P25, P25 Phase 2, DMR, NXDN, dPMR, TETRA, and others. It offers a frequency coverage from 100 kHz to 1.6 GHz, extendable to 6 GHz, with an internal signal generator range from 0 dBm to –130 dBm.
The Spectrum Analyzer functionality includes measurements such as Occupied Bandwidth, Channel Power, ACPR, C/I, and Coverage Mapping, with a dynamic range of > 95 dB in 10 Hz RBW, DANL of –152 dBm in 10 Hz RBW, and phase noise of –100 dBc/Hz max at 10 kHz offset at 1 GHz.
The VNA section offers a 1-path 2-port analyzer with a quad trace display, covering a frequency range from 500 kHz to 1.6 GHz, extendable to 6 GHz. It features an intuitive GUI with touchscreen, VNA-quality error correction, outstanding calibration stability, and up to 4001 arbitrary data points.
The internal signal generator operates from 500 kHz to 1.6 GHz with CW/FM/AM Modulation capabilities, offering FM deviation and AM depth adjustable rates from 100 Hz to 10 kHz, with a resolution of 0.1 dB from 0 dBm to –130 dBm.
Yes, the S412E utilizes Frequency Domain Reflectometry (FDR) for Distance-to-Fault Analysis, converting S-parameters from frequency to distance domain to identify cable discontinuities and potential maintenance issues accurately.
Additional features include an analog FM and digital LMR analyzer, high accuracy internal power meter, LMR Coverage Mapping (both outdoor and indoor), GPS tagging of saved traces, USB data transfer, and a 3-hour battery operation time.
The device is compact, measuring 273 mm x 199 mm x 91 mm (10.7 in x 7.8 in x 3.6 in) and weighing 3.6 kg (7.9 lb), making it portable for field use.
Yes, the S412E supports Web Remote Control and SCPI programming for remote capability, along with data upload capabilities through Ethernet connection for efficient data management.
The S412E is supported by Master Software Tools, easyTest Tools™, and Line Sweep Tools, providing comprehensive options for data analysis, report generation, and test automation.